

Новости компаний холдинга

DM Textile Reloaded. A Special Report on Russian Textile Industry on Russia 24 TV Channel

Notwithstanding the current downturn in the global economy Russian textile industry seems to have its second birth – thanks largely to the sector’s leaders. The latter are successfully demonstrating an example of sensible development strategy and efficient production management.

DM Textile Trading and Industrial company, a domestic terry production leader, holds a special position among such companies. In her special report on Russia 24 TV Channel Irina Rossius tells about textile professionals whom the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade counts on.

Konstantin Kuzin, Director General of “Megapolis Group” Holding Company:

— Light industry is the most fast moving economic sector. The investments return very quickly here. Nevertheless, really state-of-the-art production site and high-technology equipment is required for that, because the products must be competitive in Russia as well as at the global world textile market.

— 100% of the equipment at “Donetzkaya Manufaktura” factory, which historically was transferred in our management, was replaced. We realized that it is impossible to be competitive in the contemporary world without the state-of-the-art equipment. Today our factory is the largest and the most high-technology enterprise for production of terry goods in Europe.

— During 10 years we have increased labor productivity in 17 times. Today we manufacture over 15 million towels for the Russian market. And the Russian market is the driver, which we must use, because the market of textile industry amounts 1.1 trillion rubles per year, it has to be occupied not to let the money slip on the side.

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